5 Tips for Keeping Your Marketing Emails Out of Spam Folders
So you have spent time crafting a great email, but how do you help to ensure that it will not end up in the spam folders of recipients? You can avoid doing some things that may cause your emails to be labeled as spam. Here are some tips.
Avoid Using Sales Words
Your content gets scanned and there are certain sales words that can land your email into the spam box. Some of these words may be “promo”, “free”, “order”, “purchase”, “bonus”, “prize”, and “buy”.
In your content, use only credible resources and have a balance of images and text.
Use a Professional “From” Address
Rather than using an obscure “from” address such as: “7889catxyz@domain.com”, using a reputable form will give you better results. Some of these forms are “support@”, “feedback@”, “contact@”, and “newsletter@”. Avoid using a “no reply” email address such as “noreply@domain.com.”
Avoid Using Purchased Lists
Buying a large list to send messages to may seem like a great idea but these lists often include old email addresses and other things that will set off spam alarms. As a result, your messages will end up in spam folders and you might also be labeled as a spammer. A better way to get people on your list is to use opt-in offers.
Avoid Tricky Tactics
Do not use tricky tactics such as, in the subject line, stating that the reader has won a prize when they have not. Also avoid starting a subject line with “RE:” Do not use more than one explanation mark at the end of a sentence or overuse capital letters.
Best Practices
Using a reliable and reputable email service provider will help to increase your email deliverability. One of the reasons is because they ask mailbox services such as Gmail to whitelist your IP or domain.
You can test the deliverability of mailbox services by setting up test accounts.
A great way to avoid the spam filters is to ask new subscribers to add your address to their address books when they confirm their subscriptions through a welcome email.
Keep in touch with the people on your list so that they will not forget you. If they forget you and don’t recognize who sent them a message, then they may delete your messages or mark them as spam. So develop a schedule for emailing your list on a regular basis.