7 Web Design Tips for Small Business Owners

If you are a small business owner desiring to expand your reach, creating your own website or redesigning your existing site can be the step you need to reach more customers.
Here are some web design tips for small business you need to consider before developing and launching your website:
A Clear Goal
Think about what you want to achieve with your website. Depending on the nature of your business, think about the user’s journey towards the ultimate goal of making a purchase or scheduling a consultation. Remember to consider website loading time, intuitive navigation, and responsive design to fit every device.
Domain and Hosting
Domain names should be easy to remember and type. Select a professional domain name for your URL. Once your website is up, you should run it smoothly, have minimum downtime, and have the capacity to handle all the traffic that you may get for the site. Find a trusted hosting company that offers a web package to handle your usage needs.
A Reputable and Scalable Platform
An important web design tip for small business is using a simple and scalable platform to place your products and services online. We suggest you begin with WordPress.
WordPress is the most popular CMS for websites and is regularly updated. In addition, there is a vast choice of various themes and plugins that can be used with WordPress; you can even turn your site into an online store. It is best to establish a great foundation for your site from the start rather than having to rebuild and spend on additional costs.
Conduct Your Own Research
To get ideas for how you want your site to look and function, look for websites you like, the sites of your competitors, the ones you dislike, and the sites that are most effective for your type of business. This knowledge can assist you in structuring your preferred design, web content, navigation, and the CTAs.
Consistent Branding
Get the service of a quality graphic designer to create your brand logo and identity in various file formats so that your website resonates with the rest of your brand and marketing materials.
Check that all colors, fonts, imagery, and style are consistent. Choose a vendor or assign one person from your marketing team to be responsible for keeping your brand consistent across all mediums. If you are using different vendors for different aspects of your brand, keep them all in the loop of what is being created to make sure everything is aligned.
Web Content
Ultimately, no one knows your business like you do. Knowing is one thing, crafting a story and selling is another. And that’s what websites are all about – the stories behind your brand, the reasons why visitors should choose you over your competitors, and what makes your offer unique from the rest.
A content writer can help you craft website content that matches your business mission. As your company grows, choose a web design agency to upgrade your website with more professional content and advanced features.
Digital Marketing
Your online visibility does not stop with the launch of your website. To nurture your brand, you need to invest in digital marketing. This includes elements such as SEO, social media, and local marketing.
We offer web design as well as digital marketing services to create a seamless online experience for your prospects and customers.