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How to Discover Customer Keywords

Customer Keywords

To reach your ideal customers, you would need to include all the different variations of the keywords you want to target. By doing this, you communicate to search engines that your website is relevant for the various keyword searches.

By figuring out the keywords your customers are using, you would be able to know their likes and dislikes so you can create your marketing campaigns and communications according to their preferences.

Read on below for tips on how to discover customer keywords:

Study Your Target Audience
The best way to find out keywords your customers are using is by directly asking them. Should your marketing budget permit, conduct market research and focus group discussions to interact with your prospects up close and personal. Notice the keywords and phrases they are using and voila! you have the answers to your question. If this is not possible, you can speak with your customer-facing employees like your sales and customer service staff. They will provide you with insights, which includes certain issues and terminologies customers are using when dealing with your products and services.

Another rich resource for knowing keywords is by knowing their preferred websites and social media channels. Search for clues by reading blog posts, comments, and online forums. Google has free tools you can use to aid your keyword research including Google Trends, Google Autocomplete, Google Search Console and Google Analytics, and Google Adwords Keyword Planner.

Google Trends
Get an inside view of Google’s search database. You can filter Google searches by languages, regions, categories, time, and search properties. You can also try browsing by a single keyword or with multiple phrases.

Google Autocomplete
Find the details quicker by using search predictions. These search queries reflect common searches people are using in response to the content of web pages.

Google Search Console and Google Analytics
Google Search Console displays the keywords the people are typing to arrive at your website while Google Analytics shows the source of your web traffic (direct, organic, paid ads, or social media).

Google Adwords Keyword Planner
This free tool is indispensable for brainstorming keywords for your Google paid ads. You can see the keywords people are using when searching, the number of visitors, and the relative competitiveness of the keywords and phrases.

Search on Social Media
Don’t ignore social media channels in your keyword research. People use them to vent, talk, or get recommendations. Among social media platforms, Facebook and YouTube are popular sources to discover customer keywords.

The Search Graph tool allows you to search anything your connections might be talking about. You can also use Facebook Search Bar just like Google Search: enter a specific term and you will be able to see public and friends’ posts, the number of people talking about your entered phrase, and the latest events or trends connected to your queried word.

The Trend Dashboard shows what the most popular videos and topics are. As per Youtube: “Trending topics are algorithmically-generated topics from keywords in the title, tags, and description of the video within sets of videos that are currently rising in popularity. Trending videos are based on embedded video views and views on YouTube.”

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