How to Use Videos with Facebook Ads

Learning to use videos with Facebook ads is essential because it is one of the most effective ways to advertise. To get the best results, it is important to know what types of videos to create at each stage of the buyer’s journey. These stages include the buyer getting to know about what you offer, then thinking about whether or not to purchase from you, and lastly, deciding to make the purchase. In this article, we discuss how videos can help with this process.
Using Videos in Your Customer Journey
Help Your Audience Understand their Challenges
Before you can present your awesome product or service solutions to your audience, you need to show them that you are knowledgeable about their problems. To do this, you could create a video that highlights a problem and explains how your product or service can help. Videos that educate or explain something can also work great at this stage of the customer journey. Videos for ads don’t need to be very long. Just a well-done 30-second video can be effective. Be sure to use visually enticing graphics.
Demonstrate What Your Product or Service Can Do
In the second stage of your ad funnel, you can create a video that dives deeper into how your product or service can solve the potential customer’s challenges and how they can be used by customers. You can even create a video that begins to teach customers how to use a product. You could also discuss why your solution is ideal compared to other solutions in the marketplace.
Create Videos for Directly Selling What You Offer
In the last step of the Facebook ads funnel, you can create a video that focuses on selling your products or services even more directly. Your goal here is to turn leads into customers. Creating social proof by putting testimonials into a video is a great way to build rapport and help to get leads onboard. For example, you can create a video where someone talks about how your product helped them to solve a specific problem.
Creating Onboarding Videos
Not only can you use videos for turning leads into customers when you use videos with Facebook ads, but you can also use videos when people have already become your customers. An effective method is to create a series of videos that people can watch that teaches them how to use your products. If you have clear guides on how customers can accomplish things on their own, they will have less of a need to contact your support team for questions. This can be a great help for customers who like to do things themselves and can save you a lot of time when it comes to customer service inquiries.
At Mission Web Marketing, we can create videos for each step of your customer journey to help you sell more of your products and services and to onboard new customers. Get in touch today!