There Are No SEO Shortcuts
There are no shortcuts. If a shortcut was easier and able to get you where you wanted to go, it would not be a shortcut, it would be called “the way.” We at Mission Web Marketing have seen this and heard this time after time from companies looking for a “shortcut” to the top of search rankings. They want to spread links to the four winds and get themselves to the top of the search rankings immediately by any means necessary. These dubious links may work for a short time but they are no long term solution for companies looking for a search engine strategy that will move them up the rankings and keep them there. Part of our service for SEO is to help you with keywords, help you build more and more credible links back to your site and generate relevant content that ties it all together. There are no shortcuts to making this happen. However, with an experienced team and a solid plan of action, it can be done very quickly and give you the building blocks to keep adding to your ranking and move you up to the top before you know it. More importantly, it will keep you there as well.