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The Facebook iFrames Buzz

In the past couple of months there has been a big buzz about the new new, more innovative way that Facebook allows developers  to create multiple “pages” within your business Page.

It used to be that FBML (Facebook Markup Language) was the way to develop unique content and applications within your Page – but now Facebook integrated a much easier way to customize your presence and expand on your Social Network – iFrames Pages.

Now, iFrames have been around for years, and is a cleaner way to “frame in” content to a specific area on a website. PC Mag defines an iFrame as: (Inline FRAME) An HTML structure that allows another HTML document to be inserted into an HTML page. The iFrame is set up as a window frame of a specified size that scrolls along with the rest of the page, but the iFrame’s content can itself be scrolled if it is larger than the iFrame window.

So being able to easily create unique iFrame pages that can be flowed into your Facebook page as a tab is a brilliant way to create and present your own little microsite/special event or promotion board/In The News feature.

To read more about Facebook iFrames, check out these recent articles that we’ve been reading:
• From Social Media Examiner:
3 Social Plugins for Customizing Facebook iFrame Tabs

• From TechCrunch:
Facebook Rolls Out Overhauled Comments System (Try Them Now On TechCrunch)
By the way, TechCrunch has an entire channel devoted to Facebook. Its AWESOME!

• From Mashable:
What the New Facebook Pages Mean For Users & Owners

There are dozens of articles and blog posts on this topic, and its worth becoming familiar with this new feature in Facebook.

We here at Mission Web Marketing are always testing and working with new features in Facebook and the Social Media spectrum. If you’d like help with integrating a richer Social Media experience into your online marketing plan, call us.

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