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Top Reasons Why Your Website May Be Hurting Sales

Custom websites are an important investment when growing a company, but if they’re done incorrectly they can actually be hurting your sales.

If your website has high traffic and low conversion rates, people visit but don’t return, or they’re not responding to your calls to action, your website could be the problem. But don’t worry, Mission Web Marketing can help, starting with troubleshooting the most common reasons websites can hurt sales.

It’s hard to find contact information

It is important that you make it extremely easy for people to get in contact with you. If they have to struggle to find your contact information they will find your competitor. We suggest getting an 800 number for your telephone. It will make your company look large and can cost as little as $10 a month. Place it on your homepage for easy access.

Your calls to action aren’t clear

If people aren’t responding to your lead generation; sign up forms, content marketing or calls to action, it could mean you’re not being clear enough. Make sure your calls to action buttons are big and clear. We need your buttons to lead to a conversion point, not a dead end.

Your web design hasn’t been personalized

Many websites start to look very similar in the design process, so distinguishing your brand from others is an important task. Remember that your website is an extension of your brand and shouldn’t reflect the same image that your competitor does. If you stay away from the same cookie cutter design, your company will stand out.

Your website doesn’t engage

Your website may be pretty to look at, but does it engage? Make sure the content on your website is valuable to your target market. The content you share with visitors should share knowledge, build trust and connect with your potential clients.

Website engagement is the first and hardest step in utilizing the opportunity for exponential growth. Your endless reach online should be generating measurable traffic in the form of clicks and leads. Your website should be helping your company grow, but if you’re struggling call Mission Web Marketing today for your free consultation!

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