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Why Using an SSL Certificate is Important for Your Website


Some people used to think that an SSL certificate is only important for an e-commerce website. Business owners that don’t sell products online are happy to settle with HTTP protocol on their sites.

Nowadays, when visitors see the ‘not secure’ mark for websites without an SSL certificate, they are more inclined to bounce off the site and go with the competitors instead.

In this post, we’re going to cover what an SSL certificate is and how it can be used to help your website.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)

SSL certificates are data files that provide secure, encrypted communication between a website and an internet browser. They secure a domain name, server name, or hostname, together with a business name and location.

When they are set up on a web server, they activate a ‘padlock’ that shows that there is a secure connection present between a browser and the web server. In addition, the ‘padlock’ icon signals site visitors that the website owner is encrypting connections on the page, which creates a more secure user experience.

Using an SSL certificate can help secure logins, transactions, and data transfers. Even social media platforms have SSL certificates.

If you want visitors to trust your website, you need to have an SSL certificate.

The Benefits of Using SSL Certificates

Using an SSL certificate makes browsing more secure for your customers. It creates trust, amplifies conversion rates, and protects both internal data and customer information. It also helps in making your website rank higher in Google because of HTTPS.

What is HTTPS and What Makes it Important?

HTTPS means Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is an application layer protocol built to transmit and receive data over the internet.

HTTPS encrypts all communication between a browser and a website by converting the communication into an impenetrable code, hence, preventing unauthorized users from hacking the data.

When it comes to how data is transferred between sources, the application layer protocol does not discriminate, which means all your site visitors are treated with equal security.

HTTPS is usually used by e-commerce companies in their websites to guarantee secure transactions for customers when placing online orders.

SSL Certificates Provide HTTPS Protocol, Which Offers the Following Advantages:

Google encourages website owners to use HTTPS because of its primary objective of providing its users with safe browsing options. Hence, Google is now marking all non-HTTPS sites as unsafe.

So, if you own an e-commerce website, an HTTPS seal of approval could improve your chances of making more sales. If you have it, it is recommended that you display it on your website to promote transparency, which could boost your online sales.

In addition, HTTPS also amplifies your SEO and conversion rates because Google rewards URLs with HTTPS protocols for being safer websites. Higher search rankings mean more referral data and sales.

With HTTPS, your website rankings will also continue to grow over time since visitors trust your website.

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