Web Marketing


How to Schedule and Edit Facebook Posts Using Facebook

By mission

Did you know you can schedule posts directly through Facebook? It’s a great way to ensure your followers receive timely updates even when you are on vacation or at a business conference. And Facebook’s recent updates to scheduling and editing…

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Five Tips to Improve Your Web Marketing Initiatives

By mission

1. Have a plan Don’t dive into web marketing without sitting down and creating a plan. Many web marketing firms you will find online will promise extreme results without showing you the facts. We use Google Analytics and search engine optimization…

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SEO or PPC? Which is right for you?

By mission

The ongoing debate between search engine optimization and pay per click advertising has our clients asking which web marketing strategy is the right investment for them. SEO and PPC both have the same desired outcome, they both drive traffic and…

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Santa Barbara Marketing News

By mission

Santa Barbara marketing company, Mission Web Marketing, has completed some exciting milestones since the start of 2013! In the past month our Santa Barbara marketing team has had a great time completing projects for other Santa Barbara, CA companies and…

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Boost E-Commerce Sales In 7 Steps

By mission

There are seven tricks to building a powerhouse e-commerce website that will increase your potential for sales conversion and website traffic. Whether you’re just starting out, or updating an existing website, increase your sales exponentially by making some adjustments and…

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Web Marketing Twitter Tips Tina Fey Would Think Are Boring

By mission

In an “Ask Tina” video on NBC.com, 2013 Golden Globe co-host and comedian, Tina Fey, argues that most Twitter users are boring and we are “wasting the internets,” she said. “I think you should have to get a license to…

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Quality Content is a Must Have for SEO

By mission

When implementing a search engine optimization strategy, it’s important to remember that quality content over quantity will get your page rankings where you want them. The major search engines, Google, Yahoo and Bing scan your site for relevant content for…

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Maximize Search Engine Marketing Campaigns

By mission

Search Engine Marketing is described as the Yellow Pages of the 21st century and is the most lucrative form of online advertising for small businesses. It is a perfect way to target customers looking for a specific product or service…

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Top Reasons Why Your Website May Be Hurting Sales

By mission

Custom websites are an important investment when growing a company, but if they’re done incorrectly they can actually be hurting your sales. If your website has high traffic and low conversion rates, people visit but don’t return, or they’re not…

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Engage Your Email Campaign Audience

By mission

When writing for your e-mail campaigns or social media the best way to engage your audience is to have a strong persona that you and your brand are exuding. These marketing efforts have done wonders for engaging select audiences for…

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B2C: Four Reasons Your Emails Shouldn’t Only Be An Image

By mission

Using images in your emails makes them more visually interesting and can even boost your sales, clicks and engagement while grabbing your readers’ attention. But are you using them correctly in your campaign? Plenty of major retailers send emails that…

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Marketing Trends For The New Year

By mission

Tablets According to eMarketer, as the tablet market continues to grow, competing with desktops and laptops, it is estimated that there will be 90 million tablet users in the United States by 2014. We have recently seen the launch of…

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