Web Marketing

Santa Barbara Executive Roundtable (SABER) – Web Marketing Panel

By mission

Web Marketing Experts Answer YOUR Questions. Eric Petersen, Founder and President of Mission Web Marketing, teams up with Jim Sterne of Target Marketing, Kyle Ashby of Kaldera Marketing, and Lorrie Thomas Ross of Web Marketing Therapy, to share their marketing…

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Conversion Optimization - Optimize Then Advertise

Optimize Then Advertise

By Eric

Not So Fast… Before you spend any money on advertising to drive all that traffic to your website, it’s extremely important to understand how your website is performing, because if it’s performing poorly, you can waste thousands of dollars on…

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Designing PPC Campaigns – Steve Jobs Style

By Eric

I have been reading Steve Jobs Biography by Walter Isaacson, in which Isaacson describes some of Steve Jobs philosophies for designing Apple products.  Here are five of these design principles, which can be applied to pay per click (PPC) marketing campaigns.…

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Do You Know the Personality of Your PPC Account?

By Eric

What do babies and pay per click accounts have in common? Read our guest post on ppchero.com to find out! https://www.ppchero.com/do-you-know-the-personality-of-your-ppc-account/

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Get Empowered by Social Media

By mission

We often find ourselves reading new books, and attending advanced courses and seminars in SEO, Social Media and online marketing by today’s most influential thought-leaders. This is all part of our continuing education process so that we can stay current…

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The Facebook iFrames Buzz

By mission

In the past couple of months there has been a big buzz about the new new, more innovative way that Facebook allows developers  to create multiple “pages” within your business Page. It used to be that FBML (Facebook Markup Language)…

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Fill your RSS Reader for Instant Gratification

By mission

Do you follow any blogs? How much time each day do you spend hopping around those blogs to read the posts? It can be time consuming and frustrating jumping around to blogs that might not have a new post. Now…

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There Are No SEO Shortcuts

By Eric

https://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704132204576284861677639714.html There are no shortcuts.  If a shortcut was easier and able to get you where you wanted to go, it would not be a shortcut, it would be called “the way.” We at Mission Web Marketing have seen this…

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New and Improved Facebook Page

By Eric

Mission Web Marketing has published a new-and-improved Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mission-Web-Marketing/37069414934. Take a peek and while you’re there, be sure to “like” us.

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