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Increase Your Online Sales with These Strategies

Do you have products to sell online but you are not sure how to increase your sales? Here are some tips:

1. Collaborate with Influencers
Collaborating with bloggers, journalists, entrepreneurs and suppliers in your niche who have large audiences can raise awareness about your product, increase traffic to your site, and boost your sales. You can send them free samples of your product and they will write about it on their site and social media platforms. They can also use your products for contests. Getting interviewed by an influencer or submitting an article to them can also benefit both of your businesses.

2. Offer Newsletter Signup Incentives
Email marketing increases product sales and helps to re-target customers that may have not responded to an ad initially. Your newsletter signup offer should be a strong offer that most people would want to take. For example, you could offer subscribers a chance to win a free product each week.

3. Offer Wholesale Partnerships
By selling your products wholesale, you will increase your sales and spread awareness about your brand because the companies that buy your product from you at wholesale prices will market your product for you. This can also lead to more retail sales on your site. Although you sell at a lower price when you sell wholesale, you will make more sales in an order by selling in bulk. You will also save time by fulfilling one large order instead of many small retail orders individually.

4. Survey Your Customers
You can use tools such as Survey Monkey to collect important feedback from your customers. This feedback can reveal the challenges that your customers are facing, ideas for solving those challenges, and ways to improve the customer service experience.

5. Participate in Groups
To spread awareness about your brand, join groups and forums and share tips and advice. Be careful not to spam groups. You can advertise your brand via the forum avatar, signature and profile page. Search Google for forums relevant to your niche. LinkedIn and Facebook groups are also great for connecting with business owners and getting eCommerce advice in groups for eCommerce.

6. Monitor Your Analytics
Analytics tools such as Google Analytics can reveal a lot about the buying behaviors of your target market. You can monitor the activity of shoppers starting from when and where they enter your shop to when and where they leave. Gather information about the origin of your traffic, the pages they look at, time spent on those pages and the last pages viewed. The data you collect can help you to make marketing decisions such as where to market and who to market to.

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