Breakwater Restaurant Santa Barbara, Starving for Attention

They say not to go grocery shopping when you’re hungry. We’d like to add, “don’t build a restaurant website when you’re hungry”. This redesign for the Breakwater Restaurant located in the Santa Barbara Harbor, left us drooling over the tantalizing photos of the Breakwater’s famous menu items. Our friends at the local “Favorite Breakfast Spot” called on Mission Web Marketing to whip up a new site that would showcase their fantastic breakfast, lunch, dinner and children’s menus, while making sure to feature some awesome photos that captured their delicious food options.
With slideshows that offer some great full width photos of the restaurant and its surroundings within the Santa Barbara Harbor and Waterfront, this new site shows just why so many locals and visitors to the area flock to the Breakwater Restaurant year-round. In fact, it left some of us dreaming about pancakes!