Infographic: What You Need to Know About Choosing the Most Effective Social Media Platforms
For those just getting started in social media marketing for their business, the plethora of different platforms to choose from can be confusing to say the least. Or you may have already been marketing your business through social media for a while, but just not seeing the results you were hoping for. In either case, it’s a good idea to take a step back and really evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each platform and decide which ones are a good match for your business. The type of media you will be creating may be more suited to Facebook or Pinterest rather than Instagram. And taking a look at certain demographics of your target audience, you may find that more of them are hanging out on Google+ (25 to 34 year old) vs. LinkedIn (55 to 64 year olds). Take a look at this infographic courtesy of Edge Media to help you decide where you should focus your social media marketing efforts for the highest impact.