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Optimizing Your Infographics for Best Performance


The benefit of infographics is that they provide information, such as statistics, in a format that is fun and easy to digest. You can use them to show steps in a condensed format, which saves people time. The following tips will help you to make the most of your infographics.

1. Create a Great Headline
Your infographic should begin with a headline that captures the attention of your audience and makes it easy for them to quickly understand what your infographic is about. Infographics with long and complex titles may be skipped over by users so aim to have about 70 characters in your infographic headline.

2. Set Up a Logical Sequence
Create a logical order for your infographic elements to establish a good flow for your viewers. Numbering sections of your infographic and creating subtitles can make it easier for people to scan your infographic and skip to sections they may be interested in. Using different background colors for your sections can also create contrast between the elements.

3. Choose a Clear Focus
Establish a clear focus for your infographic and customize it to your audience. For example, if you want to create an infographic about food, you can focus on a certain type of food, such as ice cream. Then choose a specific topic that you want to create an infographic about for ice cream. For example, you could create an infographic of the top 10 most popular ice cream flavors. Make your text and images fun, clear and concise and double check any statistics you use.

4. Keep the Elements Balanced
You don’t need to fill up all the space in your infographic. Too much information can be overwhelming and hard to read. Use some negative space to create contrast and to keep your infographic easy to digest. Also, balance the amount of text and images you have and use colors that can catch the reader’s attention.

5. Create an Ideal Size
Keep the length of your infographic about 8,000 pixels long so that it does not become too large and complicated. Also, be careful not to make your infographic too small since larger infographics stand out better on platforms such as Pinterest. Compress the file size of your image with a graphics tool such as Photoshop to ensure that your file will not be too large.

6. Infographic Promotion
Once you have put effort into creating a great infographic, you will want as many people to see it as possible. You can promote your infographic in several ways, such as sharing on your social media platforms and asking your audience to share it too. You can also ask influencers in your niche to share it with their audience.

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