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How to Create an Effective Customer Avatar


Developing a customer avatar is important because your avatar will help to guide business decisions that you make. For example, the Facebook ads that you create will be based on the interests of your customer avatar and the copy that you create will match the voice of your ideal customer. The following tips will help you to develop a great avatar for your business.

1. General Profile
To develop your avatar, start by researching and listing the general characteristics of your ideal client. These can include information such as gender, age, education, income, occupation, marital status, ethnicity and the number and age of kids they have. Also list more specific data such as where they live, hobbies, political views, and the type of car they drive.

2. Communication
As you are doing research on your ideal client, record details about how they use language. For example, different age groups tend to speak differently. You can see this in groups they participate in, or on social media. Make lists of the hashtags that your ideal customer uses so that you will be able to use the same hashtags to connect with them. By understanding your ideal customer’s voice, you will be able to match your copy to their voice.

3. What they Want
When you research your ideal client, note the types of questions they ask and answers they are looking for. This can provide clues about what products they may want to buy. What situations are they in, what do they fear, and what would they like to change? What are their goals, why are they not achieving them, and how will their lives change when they achieve the results they want?

4. What they Are Interested In
Knowing the type of content your ideal client likes to watch, read, or listen to and where they like to participate will reveal their interests and where your ideal clients can be located online and offline. What experts, organizations and websites do they like to follow and what types of events do they like to attend offline? Some examples are conferences, meetups, industry events, and trade shows.

5. Developing Your Product or Service
Based on all the information you have gathered to create your customer avatar, you will be able to develop your product or service to meet the needs of your ideal client. Be prepared to address objections and fears your customers may have about buying from you. Put yourself in your customer’s place to understand the feelings they will feel when deciding whether or not to purchase. Highlight the benefits of your product or service and how it will impact the customer’s lives.

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