Five Tips to Improve Your Web Marketing Initiatives
1. Have a plan
Don’t dive into web marketing without sitting down and creating a plan. Many web marketing firms you will find online will promise extreme results without showing you the facts. We use Google Analytics and search engine optimization tools to measure where your website started and where it’s growing. At Mission Web Marketing we always incorporate website metrics packages on our clients’ websites to track criteria like website performance, campaign and sales activity, trends over time and profitability. Our Santa Barbara based marketing team finds the most valuable web marketing measurements like website visitors, unique visitors, page views, transactions, sales and conversion rates. You should be able to see how many people are visiting your site, how many pages they’re looking at, where they’re coming from and what they’re buying. Make a plan, set your goals and measure your results.
2. Continually update your website
Don’t set up your website and leave it there to just sit and rot. It’s important to give your website visitors a reason to keep coming back. You should update a page or a couple features weekly. If you have a blog, update it! Get your visitors coming back to your website.
3. Don’t rely completely on SEO
There are other aspects to web marketing besides search engine optimization. When you create your plan, incorporate other ways to drive traffic and sales on your website. Customize this plan for your company to target your audience. We recommend implementing techniques such as, search engine marketing or paid search, an e-mail marketing campaign and a social media strategy.
4. Use social media to network
Use your social media accounts to actually talk to other business owners and entrepreneurs to grow your brand awareness. Don’t just spam your social media followers with promotional materials, but supply them with something useful. Give advice, ask questions and get to know the people that follow your company. Once you develop a relationship with your followers, they will start to engage, like and trust your company.
5. Manage your Google Adwords efficiently
Using Google Adwords for your pay per click advertising campaign can be very lucrative. However, Google will try to sell you as many Adwords as possible so their wallets grow. It’s not necessary to have an exorbitant amount of Adwords, it’s actually better to narrow in on your target market. You can hire a certified Google Adwords specialist through Mission Web Marketing to help you efficiently target the right audience at the right price.
If you have questions or need help with your web marketing initiatives to generate more traffic and sales, contact Mission Web Marketing today and schedule your 100% free consultation at 800.260.6406.